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An initiative to Bridge the Skill Gap

In the last few years, the standards for “Jobs” have changed. Nowadays, graduation is not enough to get a job. While post-graduates and MBA holders have access to job opportunities, millions of graduates who cannot afford higher education, face difficulty finding a good job. This is why we started "ixamBee - Jobs for Bharat," one of India's forerunners of skill-based education.

Headquartered in Noida, ixamBee aims at providing assured jobs in the "Banking and Finance" sector. Being in line with the regulatory framework and high standards of the banking and financial services industry, our mission is to ensure that the youth develops the skills required to survive the fast-paced work environment and succeed
50% faster.

Why Join Us!

  • 60 Days Training.
  • Assured Job.
  • 100% Selection Guarantee.
  • 12000+ Selections.
  • ISO 9001:2000 Certified.


  • Get you Trained.
  • Get you Job interviews.
  • Get you Selected.

Job Assured Program

Our Job Assured Program is the ultimate solution for students who are serious about building a rewarding career in Private banks. We understand the challenges that many applicants face when trying to secure a job in this competitive industry.

That's why we have created a comprehensive training program that covers all the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in private banking jobs. With our Job Assured Program, you can be assured of 100% job placement guarantee, thanks to our extensive network of industry connections and partnerships. Our expert trainers will guide you every step of the way, providing you with personalized coaching, interview preparation, and soft skills development.

We are confident that our Job Assured Program will help you stand out from the crowd and secure your dream job in private banks.

So why wait? Enrol now and take the first step towards a successful career in private banking.